
Assignment 5

Please correct mistakes in the following sentences. Use the writing tool

1. She feel confidentiality when she give a speech in the class.

2. Teacher selection the bes students to go to trip.

3. My brother selection a healthy food.

4. In the class we have selection to choose the leader.

5. There are mant selections of work places hat i can choose it.

6. There is the selection food that you chose it.

7. All student have of selection to choose the study major. 

8. All these computers are selection.

9. We chould uniformity to attend the class.

10. The singer is uniformity his songs to get a good position in the world.

11. the student should be uniformity to there class time.

12. This man look like uniformity person.

13. all student should uniformity in their college so they should come early to class

14. All people who live in a small village are unformity together

15. Students selective are always the best students in the class

16. my father have to selective whice car it good

17. You should be selective a good friends.

18. I should to be more selective about major that I need to study it.

19. We should always selective the best option in our life

20. In the class we have selection to choose the leader.

21. My sister is selected in the compition.

22. I have to selected three subject for summer courses.

23. google is an example of facilitator tools that you can used to search and complete you tasks.

24. My friends acquisition me to try this game.

25. acquisition is a way that will make you sucesse in your live.

26. I didn't like a person who are acquisition because he always acquisition the perfect things

27. acquisition is something you believe in it.

28. Asma was seleted to travel to london

29. Teacher should facilittor the project to students

30. children always acquisition there dreams. My mother always acquisition the weathers.

Assignment 4

Please correct mistakes in the following sentences. Use the writing tool

1. My best idea to do when I feel boring is going out with my friends.

2. I try to do my best in my researchable report to get a high markes.

3. Finding information selection is the best thing to include your report.

4. Do your best and be honest in your life you will see every thing be more facilitator.

5. The product concept is consumer will favor buy a product that are haigh and avialable.

6. The process done by total confidential way so that no body felt there is something.

7. The teacher gave the students some specific things to study for the exam, so that the teacher facilitator for the students to get high grades.

8. The concept of the book from outside looks easy and enjoyable.

9. I feel boring when I set alone.

10. I feel boring when I listen to classic music.

11. Maryam the researchable for the report abot the human resources.

12. The teache selection student for the competition.

13. I alway choose the right selection.

14. My teacher learning us facilitatot and quickly to take the information.

15. The history concept is very difficult for me.

16. We will make our researchable together.

17. I alway feel boring in math classes.

18. My mother always telling me that I should choos the right selection.

19. I had confidential wich dress I will wear in my berthday.

20. Yesterday I was boring when I watched the movie.

21. If you want a great job you can make researchable into many company.

22. Every one can selection what program you want in the college.

23. The exam was very facilitator because i studt hard.

24. My teacher gave as a lot of facilitor in exam.

25. The student disagreement with the new HCT roles.

Assignment 3

Please correct mistakes in the following sentences. Use the writing tool

1. She stand confidentiality in the clas and give the speech.

2. Peter was disagree with Jane about the trip because Jane want to go on Saturday but Peter want on Friday.

3. The man looked uniformity in his black suit and tie.

4. My mother teach me constantly a bout the safty drive.

5. My family want to travel and we have many option to choose wich country go.

6. I always have to acquisition some important idea from my father.

7. She wrotes confidentiality letter for her sister.

8. I acquisition many hopies last summer.

9. I am confidentiality about my self thats why I feel that i am good for this job.

10. I am disagree with what you said.

11. The rules in our college is uniformity with both of boys and girls.

12. In college we acquisition more English language and skills.

13. She stand at the centre of class and talked confidentiality.

14. She has a problem but she should be confidentiality to solve it.

15. She are disagree with every one because she think every time she smart and don't be wrong.

16. His parents are constantly when he talked to him.

17. In English exam we have many option to answer.

18. Students in high school should wear uniformity dress.

19. The school children wear the uniformity cloths and dress.

20. I like yout option, because you choose the pink dress that I love it.

21. He spoke very confidentiality with people.

22. The student must have uniformity.

23. She feel confidentiality when she give a speech in the class.

24. If you work in this job you will acquisition many experince.

25. Don't be confidentiality with anyone. Just your parents and sisters.

26. In some schools they have a rule that the students wear uniformity uniform.

27. The student stand confidentiality in the class.

28. Lulu market is uniformity because it has many sections in different places.

29. She was disagree about changing our project topic.

30. The acadimic reading and writing class makes me acquisition alot of skills on english languge.

Assignment 2

Paraphrase the following sentences:

1. Jimmy was at the appointment place on time – he was a policeman. When he saw Bob's face it was the face of the criminal wanted in Chicago. Somehow, he couldn't arrest him. He couldn’t do it. So he went around and got a tall plain clothes policeman to do the job.

2. John could not translate for our visitors from Peru because he had never studied Spanish.

3. Out of the blue, the door opened and the little boy entered the classroom.

4. There were no laptops or smartphones fifty years ago.

5. He knew he could confide in her friend.

Assignment 1

Read and paraphrase the following passages:

Passage 1

Language is the most important component of culture. It would be impossible to catch the subtlest nuances and meanings of other cultures without knowing the language.

Learning a second, third or fourth language is easier in early childhood than at an older age. It is particularly important to learn correct pronunciation when a person is young. At any age, learning by constant contact with native speakers in their own society is the quickest and best way.

Language is the main means of communication between people. But so many different languages have developed that language has often been a barrier rather than an aid to understanding among people. For many years, people have dreamed of setting up a universal language which is simple and obvious to all people. If all people spoke the same tongue, cultural and economic ties might be much closer, and better relationship will increase between countries.

Source: Kispert, J. (2004). Language and Its Barriers. USA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Passage 2

Of the more than 1000 bicycling deaths each year, three-fourths are caused by head injuries. Half of those killed are school-age children. One study concluded that wearing a bike helmet can reduce the risk of head injury by 85 percent. In an accident, a bike helmet absorbs the shock and cushions the head.

Source: Bike Helmets: Unused Lifesavers. (1990, May). Consumer Reports, 55, p.348-353.